Todo trabalho tem o conceito “custom hand made”, e além de todo processo ser manual e artesanal, o atendimento é personalizado. As pranchas são fabricadas sob medida, de acordo com a necessidade de cada surfista, garantindo o melhor desempenho nas ondas em condições adversas. E, melhor ainda, quando isso pode ser feito sem agredir o meio-ambiente.
The e-board is the first surfboard echo of the world, made from natural materials, recycled and organic, free of emissions and wastes that harm nature. All materials were especially developed for this application, which certifies the e-board as the first board 100% recyclable. All work is the concept of "custom hand made", and beyond any process be manual and craft, the service is personalized. The boards are custom manufactured according to the needs of every surfer, ensuring the best performance waves in adverse conditions. And better yet, when it can be done without harming the environment.