A e-board foi eleita no ano de 2010 pela curadoria do Festival Alma Surf a prancha mais moderna do Brasil.
The e-board was elected in 2010 by the curators of Alma Surf Festival the most modern surfboard in Brazil.
Este ano, onde 50 pranchas mostram o caminho percorrido pelo fabricantes de pranchas na história do esporte no país, a exposição tem exemplares de pranchas da década de 30, como a prancha de madeira de Tom Blake, prancha da São Conrado Surfboards, uma das mais influentes marcas dos anos 60, prancha do Homero, Lightning Bolt, Rico de Souza, Twin, entre outros.
This year, where 50 boards show the path taken by the surfboards manufacturers in the sport of the sport of country and world, the exibition has exemples of boards in the 30s, like the wooden blank by Tom Blake, surfboards of the Sao Conrado brand, one of most influential of the 60s, Homero surfboards, Lightining Bolt, Rico de Souza, Twin, and some others.
É claro que estamos ao lado de nomes importantes e certamente quando essa exibição tiver outras 50 pranchas, temos certeza que ainda seremos modernos e revolucionários pois todo o diferencial da e-board representa um marco para a evolução do esporte.
Of coure, e-board are next of some big names and certainly when this exibition has more 50 surfboards, we are confident that we still be modern and revolutionary as all the e-board differentials represents a milestone of the evolution of the sport.

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The e-board was elected in 2010 by the curators of Alma Surf Festival the most modern surfboard in Brazil.
This year, where 50 boards show the path taken by the surfboards manufacturers in the sport of the sport of country and world, the exibition has exemples of boards in the 30s, like the wooden blank by Tom Blake, surfboards of the Sao Conrado brand, one of most influential of the 60s, Homero surfboards, Lightining Bolt, Rico de Souza, Twin, and some others.
Of coure, e-board are next of some big names and certainly when this exibition has more 50 surfboards, we are confident that we still be modern and revolutionary as all the e-board differentials represents a milestone of the evolution of the sport.
Follow us on twitter.com/eboards