A e-board atraves da Osklen expande sua atuacao no mercado internacional, desta vez, em território norte-americano. Localizada em Nova York, a flagship está em ponto nobre, no bairro do Soho, na 97 Wooster Street ao lado de grifes como Chanel, Barney´s Coop, Issey Miyake e Barbara Bui. Inaugurada em março de 2008, a Osklen Soho já foi descoberta por gente como Kate Winslet, Domenico Dolce e Drew Barrymore, além da imprensa americana.
The e-board through Osklen expands its activities in the international market, this time on U.S.. Located in New York, the flagship in Soho at 97 Wooster Street next to brands like Chanel, Barney's Coop, Issey Miyake and Barbara Bui. Opened in March 2008, the Osklen Soho was already been discovered by people like Kate Winslet, Domenico Dolce and Drew Barrymore, and the American press.
As pranchas e-boards podem ser encomendadas através do site http://www.eboards.com.br/ ou pelas lojas Osklen.
The e-boards can be ordered through the website http://www.eboards.com.br/ or by Osklen stores.
The e-board through Osklen expands its activities in the international market, this time on U.S.. Located in New York, the flagship in Soho at 97 Wooster Street next to brands like Chanel, Barney's Coop, Issey Miyake and Barbara Bui. Opened in March 2008, the Osklen Soho was already been discovered by people like Kate Winslet, Domenico Dolce and Drew Barrymore, and the American press.

The e-boards can be ordered through the website http://www.eboards.com.br/ or by Osklen stores.