Continuamos subindo a US 101 e a 1 California North rumo a Sao Francisco, na tao comentada SoCal (South California). Mas como o caminho eh longo, fizemos algumas paradas. Passamos a noite em Santa Monica, mais precisamente em Venice Beach. O lugar e muito louco. Uma mistura de turista com surfista com skatista e hippies. Caminhamos a praia de ponta a ponta e chegamos em um pier onde quebravam boas ondas.
We continue driving up by U.S. 101 and 1 California to toward San Francisco, on the such commented SoCal (South California). But as the long path we made some stops. We spent the night in Santa Monica, more precisely in Venice Beach. The place is amazing. A mix of tourists, skaters, surfer and hippies. We walked the beach from end to end and arrived in a pier where I found good waves.
Consegui presenciar um momento classico (pelo menos para mim que ja vi em muitos filmes) do surfista atravessando os pilares do pier em cima da prancha (repare bem na foto abaixo). Venho reparando que toda cidade pelo litoral incentiva muito o esporte, inclusive o skt. Em todas as paradas ate agora vi pistas de skt lotadas.
I saw a classic moment (at least to me. I watched so many movies with that scene...) the surfer through the pillars of the pier above the board (see the photo below). I've been noticing every town along the coast has strongly encouraged the sport, including the skt. In all the stops until now saw tracks skt crowded.
Seguimos para Santa Barbara. No caminho, passamos por Malibu e suas mansoes. Paramos em Rincon's para pegar umas ondas. O mar estava pequeno e extremamente gelado. Era o unico no mar sem roupa de borracha. Quase congelei, mas apesar do frio, valeu a pena pela qualidade das ondas. Depois de uma session, encerrei o dia no evento West Beach Music Festival, com show de G-Love e Ben Harper, entre outros. Demais.
We went to Santa Barbara. On the way, passed by Malibu. I stopped in Rincon's Point to catch some waves. The waves were small and extremely cold. I was the only one without a wetsuit. Almost froze, but in despite of the cold, I could enjoyed the quality of the waves. After the session, at the end of the day I went to the West Beach Music Festival, to G-Love and Ben Harper concerts, and others. Increrable.
We continue driving up by U.S. 101 and 1 California to toward San Francisco, on the such commented SoCal (South California). But as the long path we made some stops. We spent the night in Santa Monica, more precisely in Venice Beach. The place is amazing. A mix of tourists, skaters, surfer and hippies. We walked the beach from end to end and arrived in a pier where I found good waves.
I saw a classic moment (at least to me. I watched so many movies with that scene...) the surfer through the pillars of the pier above the board (see the photo below). I've been noticing every town along the coast has strongly encouraged the sport, including the skt. In all the stops until now saw tracks skt crowded.
We went to Santa Barbara. On the way, passed by Malibu. I stopped in Rincon's Point to catch some waves. The waves were small and extremely cold. I was the only one without a wetsuit. Almost froze, but in despite of the cold, I could enjoyed the quality of the waves. After the session, at the end of the day I went to the West Beach Music Festival, to G-Love and Ben Harper concerts, and others. Increrable.