In a long time, I watch the wave pool of Wave House live on their website (http://www.wavehousesandiego.com/webcam). Ever wondered how it would be surfing that wave. I had the opportunity this last week and I haven't found easy.
Primeiro porque o jato de agua e super forte, o que faz a prancha ficar instavel. A superficie e escorregadia, parece um sabonete. E para completar e dificil manter a prancha em linha. Ou seja: "vaca".
First of all, the jet of water is super strong, which makes the board unstable. The surface is slippery, like a soap. Besides that, it's too difficult to maintain the board in line. In other words: "wipe out". Comecei surfando na piscina FlowRider (essa onda ai de cima), uma ondulacao leve, tipo uma marola, achando que ia me dar bem. Que nada, surfei uma hora e nao fiquei em pe por mais de 10s em nenhuma onda. Frustrante.
I started on the FlowRider pool (the wave above), a slight ripple, wondering I was going to do well. No way, I traied an hour and I didn't stand up for over 10s in any wave. Frustrating. Depois passei para o FlowBarrel. Achava que ia me dar mal, pior ainda. Parecia muito mais dificil, mas consegui entender o estilo da onda. Para me divertir um pouco mais, afinal era em dolar $$, entrei de barriga. Peguei boas ondas de bodyboard e, em suma, foi bem divertido.
Then, I went to the FlowBarrel. I thought it was going to get much worse. It seemed more difficult, but I could understand the style of the wave. To enjoy a little bit more, after all it was U.S. dollars, I went belly. I surfed good waves for a boogie boarding and, in short time, was trying to stand up.
Aconselho. Nice ride!