O lancamento da prancha de surf e-board aconteceu nos dias 10, 11 e 12 de setembro no pavilhao do centro de exposicoes de San Diego na California, na maior feira do segmento no mundo.
The lauched show of the e-board was 10th, 11th and 12th of September, at the pavilion of the exhibition center in San Diego, California, at the biggest fair in the world.
A proposta da e-board e promover o desenvolvimeto sustentavel na fabricacao de pranchas de surf. Essa e a mais nova aposta da Osklen Surfing, primeira marca licenciada, que alem disso valoriza o papel do Brasil como pais protagonista em acoes pro meio ambiente.
The proposal of the e-board is to promote human development and sustainable in the manufacture of surfboards. This is the new bet of Osklen Surfing, first licensed brand, which also emphasizes the role of Brazil as parents being proactive protagonist in the environment.
Everyone who visited the stand were impressed by the new proposal on surfboards, all made with natural materials and organic, free action of any raw material pollutant.
Everyone who visited the stand were impressed by the new proposal on surfboards, all made with natural materials and organic, free action of any raw material pollutant.