Depois de passar por um perrengue na entrada do aeroporto de Houston nos EUA quando a alfandega mandou abrir o sarcofago que trazia as pranchas, nao tinha ideia as praias que estavam nos esperando em San Diego.
Os oficiais mandaram escrever 'sample' com caneta permanente em todas as pranchas que foram usadas na feira. Destruiram toda a embalagem de protecao da prancha e fizeram um furo com uma faca em cada uma delas para nao terem mais valor comercial.
E o pessoal da Osklen me aguardando aflito no estande. Cheguei apenas no segundo dia de feira mas, felizmente, conseguimos reverter a situacao e ainda fazer bonito.
After going through some difficulties on the entrance to the Houston airport in the U.S. where they asked me to open the surfbag, I had no idea the beaches were waiting for me in San Diego. The officers ordered to write 'sample' permanent marker on all the boards that would be used at the exhibition. They destroyed all the protective packege of the board and made a hole with a knife in each of them to not have any business value. The Osklen staff was ancious waiting for the boards. I arrived just in the second day, but fortunately, the situation was solved and the exhibition went just fine.
Estar na California e simplesmente incrivel. A cidade respira surf 30h ao dia.
Tivemos a oportunidade de surfar em praias como Black's Beach, Wind'n Sea, Sunset Cliffs, Pacific e Ocean Beach.
Tivemos a oportunidade de surfar em praias como Black's Beach, Wind'n Sea, Sunset Cliffs, Pacific e Ocean Beach.
Being in California is simply incredible. The city breathes surf 30 hours a day. I had the opportunity to surf at beaches like Black's Beach, Wind'n Sea, Sunset Cliffs, Pacific and Ocean Beach.
Most people have felt a great curiosity when they saw the board, especially for its design fluid and organic, and were even more impressed with all the ecological significance they represent. All the surfers were friendly and receptive to all the beaches I passed, especially Wind'n Sea.