Sempre imaginei Maverick's um lugar sombrio, sinistro. Foi exatamente essa sensacao que tive ao parar o carro no cliff. Sinalizacao de perigo de Tsunami e uma sirene que ecoava no cais no meio da neblina deixava o cenario ainda mais misterioso.De longe ouvia o barulho das ondas quebrando nas pedras. Fui aindando pela trilha e cheguei no point. As ondas nao quebravam com forca e nem com tamanho, mas assustavam. Pedras pontudas surgiam no meio da calmaria quando a mare voltava para anunciar a nova serie. Com certeza uma sensacao interessante. That's Maverick's.
A viagem chega ao fim e a California vai deixar saudades. Certamente um lugar que voltarei muitas vezes. Pego o aviao de volta em Sao Francisco rumo ao Brasil para o lancamento da e-board na proxima semana que acontecera no WQS Arpoador no RJ.
e-board em NY

The e-board through Osklen expands its activities in the international market, this time on U.S.. Located in New York, the flagship in Soho at 97 Wooster Street next to brands like Chanel, Barney's Coop, Issey Miyake and Barbara Bui. Opened in March 2008, the Osklen Soho was already been discovered by people like Kate Winslet, Domenico Dolce and Drew Barrymore, and the American press.

The e-boards can be ordered through the website or by Osklen stores.
We continue driving up by U.S. 101 and 1 California to toward San Francisco, on the such commented SoCal (South California). But as the long path we made some stops. We spent the night in Santa Monica, more precisely in Venice Beach. The place is amazing. A mix of tourists, skaters, surfer and hippies. We walked the beach from end to end and arrived in a pier where I found good waves.
I saw a classic moment (at least to me. I watched so many movies with that scene...) the surfer through the pillars of the pier above the board (see the photo below). I've been noticing every town along the coast has strongly encouraged the sport, including the skt. In all the stops until now saw tracks skt crowded.
We went to Santa Barbara. On the way, passed by Malibu. I stopped in Rincon's Point to catch some waves. The waves were small and extremely cold. I was the only one without a wetsuit. Almost froze, but in despite of the cold, I could enjoyed the quality of the waves. After the session, at the end of the day I went to the West Beach Music Festival, to G-Love and Ben Harper concerts, and others. Increrable.
Wave House
In a long time, I watch the wave pool of Wave House live on their website ( Ever wondered how it would be surfing that wave. I had the opportunity this last week and I haven't found easy.
Primeiro porque o jato de agua e super forte, o que faz a prancha ficar instavel. A superficie e escorregadia, parece um sabonete. E para completar e dificil manter a prancha em linha. Ou seja: "vaca".
First of all, the jet of water is super strong, which makes the board unstable. The surface is slippery, like a soap. Besides that, it's too difficult to maintain the board in line. In other words: "wipe out". Comecei surfando na piscina FlowRider (essa onda ai de cima), uma ondulacao leve, tipo uma marola, achando que ia me dar bem. Que nada, surfei uma hora e nao fiquei em pe por mais de 10s em nenhuma onda. Frustrante.
I started on the FlowRider pool (the wave above), a slight ripple, wondering I was going to do well. No way, I traied an hour and I didn't stand up for over 10s in any wave. Frustrating. Depois passei para o FlowBarrel. Achava que ia me dar mal, pior ainda. Parecia muito mais dificil, mas consegui entender o estilo da onda. Para me divertir um pouco mais, afinal era em dolar $$, entrei de barriga. Peguei boas ondas de bodyboard e, em suma, foi bem divertido.
Then, I went to the FlowBarrel. I thought it was going to get much worse. It seemed more difficult, but I could understand the style of the wave. To enjoy a little bit more, after all it was U.S. dollars, I went belly. I surfed good waves for a boogie boarding and, in short time, was trying to stand up.
Aconselho. Nice ride!
WCT Trestles
In Brazil, we're sorry when the swell loses strength over the weekend. This also happens here in California. Even worse when the wetsuit is not enough or when it is difficult to paddle towards the outside because of the many marine algae.
Anyway, it was a great experience. Will be missed. From here we saw the most beautiful sunset in Huntington Beach. Incredible. Next stop: Venice Beach, Santa Monica.
California Style
Depois de passar por um perrengue na entrada do aeroporto de Houston nos EUA quando a alfandega mandou abrir o sarcofago que trazia as pranchas, nao tinha ideia as praias que estavam nos esperando em San Diego.
Os oficiais mandaram escrever 'sample' com caneta permanente em todas as pranchas que foram usadas na feira. Destruiram toda a embalagem de protecao da prancha e fizeram um furo com uma faca em cada uma delas para nao terem mais valor comercial.
E o pessoal da Osklen me aguardando aflito no estande. Cheguei apenas no segundo dia de feira mas, felizmente, conseguimos reverter a situacao e ainda fazer bonito.
After going through some difficulties on the entrance to the Houston airport in the U.S. where they asked me to open the surfbag, I had no idea the beaches were waiting for me in San Diego. The officers ordered to write 'sample' permanent marker on all the boards that would be used at the exhibition. They destroyed all the protective packege of the board and made a hole with a knife in each of them to not have any business value. The Osklen staff was ancious waiting for the boards. I arrived just in the second day, but fortunately, the situation was solved and the exhibition went just fine.
Tivemos a oportunidade de surfar em praias como Black's Beach, Wind'n Sea, Sunset Cliffs, Pacific e Ocean Beach.
Lancamento e-board em San Diego - CA
O lancamento da prancha de surf e-board aconteceu nos dias 10, 11 e 12 de setembro no pavilhao do centro de exposicoes de San Diego na California, na maior feira do segmento no mundo.
The lauched show of the e-board was 10th, 11th and 12th of September, at the pavilion of the exhibition center in San Diego, California, at the biggest fair in the world.
Everyone who visited the stand were impressed by the new proposal on surfboards, all made with natural materials and organic, free action of any raw material pollutant.